# MPI: collectives
## So far - Two-sided communication (sender and receiver) - Processes identified by `(communicator, rank)` pair - Point to point messages: one sender, one receiver What if the communication pattern requires "everyone-to-everyone" communication?
## Prototypical example - Iterative solution of linear equations $$ A x = b $$ - Richardson point iteration $$ x_\text{new} = x_\text{old} - (b - A x_\text{old}) $$ - Converged when $\| x \|_2 < \epsilon$ for some tolerance $\epsilon$
### How to compute $\| x \|_2$ ? $$ \| x \|_2 = \sqrt{\sum_i x_i^2} $$ - Serial implementation ```c void norm(double *x, int n, double *result) { double tmp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { tmp += x[i]; } tmp = sqrt(tmp); *result = tmp; } ```
### Does this work in parallel with MPI? - No, why not? - Each process only has _part_ of the vector ![Sketch of parallel summation](/images/manual/vec-sum-sketch.svg) - Need to _combine_ partial results
### But I [already did that](/exercises/mpi-ring/)! - Implemented the combine step in the "messages around a ring" exercise - Only for summation - Was this an _efficient_ approach? 1. For 2 processes? 2. For 20 processes? 3. For 20,000,000 processes?
### How to measure "efficient" - How much local work we do? - How many messages need to be sent? - What is the longest "chain" of messages? - Suppose we have $P$ processes - $n$ entries per process (for $N = nP$ total entries)
- Work: $n$ values to be summed - independent of $P$ ✅ - Messages: each process sends $P-1$ messages - grows linearly with $P$ ❌ - $\mathcal{O}(P^2)$ total messages ❌ - Longest chain: $P$ messages long
### Consequence - Recall model for message time is $T(B) = \alpha + \beta B$ - For a single double, on Hamilton, $T = 5\mu s$ - Time for the algorithm we implemented is $$ T_\text{ring}(B) = (P - 1) T(B) $$ - If $P = 20,000,000$, this is **100 seconds** 😞 - Adding 20,000,000 numbers on my laptop with Python takes 8 microseconds
## A better way - Combine using a _tree_ - Classic example of divide-and-conquer turning a linear algorithm into a logarithmic one ![Tree reduction](/images/manual/mpi-tree-reduce.svg)
### Analysis - Restrict to $P$ a power of two (simplifies equations...) - Depth of tree is $\log_2 P$ - Total messages - Finest level, send $P$ messages - Number of messages reduces by factor of 2 on every level $$ M_\text{total} = \sum_{i=0}^{\log_2 P} \frac{P}{2^i} $$
### Large $P$ limit - [Geometric series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_series#Closed-form_formula) $$ \lim_{P \to \infty} M_\text{total} = 2 P $$ - Longest chain $\log_2 P$ ✅ - Average number of messages per process $2$ - Independent of $P$ ✅ - Total messages $\le 2P$ ✅
### Consequence - Time for a tree reduction is $$ T_\text{tree}(B) = 2 T(B) \log_2 P $$ - Factor of two because we go down and back up the tree - If $P = 20,000,000$, this is ~0.2 microseconds - Factor of 500,000 improvement! 😊
## How do I do this? - Simple case not too difficult - This is what [the coursework](/coursework//#task-implement-tree_allreduce) asks you to do - General cases harder - Depending on network, a hypercube reduction might be faster - Use MPI collectives
### Many collectives in MPI - Data described in same way as before - **No source/destination** - Every process in the communicator participates - Combination specified through `MPI_Op` operator - Can define your own
```c int MPI_Allreduce(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm); ``` ![Sketch of allreduce](/images/manual/mpi-allreduce.svg)
```c int MPI_Scan(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm); ``` ![Sketch of scan](/images/manual/mpi-scan.svg)
### Combining operators - Provide flag telling MPI how to combine - Here are some useful builtin ops | Description | Operator | Identity element | |----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------| | Addition | [`MPI_SUM`](https://rookiehpc.com/mpi/docs/mpi_sum.php) | 0 | | Multiplication | [`MPI_PROD`](https://rookiehpc.com/mpi/docs/mpi_prod.php) | 1 | | Minimum | [`MPI_MIN`](https://rookiehpc.com/mpi/docs/mpi_min.php) | Most positive number of given type | | Maximum | [`MPI_MAX`](https://rookiehpc.com/mpi/docs/mpi_max.php) | Most negative number of given type |
## One to all communication - Example: one process reads information from a file ```c int MPI_Bcast(void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm); ``` ![Sketch of broadcast](/images/manual/mpi-bcast.svg)
### Memory management - Value in buffer only important on `root` rank - But everyone must provide space! ```c int *buffer = malloc(10*sizeof(*buffer)); if (rank == 0) { /* Initialise values from somewhere (e.g. read from file) */ ... } MPI_Bcast(buffer, 10, MPI_INT, 0, comm); ```
### Scatters - Generalises broadcast (each rank gets its own information) - `sendcount` is count _per process_ ```c int MPI_Scatter(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm); ```
![Sketch of scatter](/images/manual/mpi-scatter.svg)
### Gathers - Inverse of `MPI_Scatter`, `recvcount` is count _per process_ - Everyone sends, one process receives ```c int MPI_Gather(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm); ```
![Sketch of gather](/images/manual/mpi-gather.svg)
## And more ... - Additional collectives for all-to-all communication - See [notes](/notes/mpi/collectives/) for more details - Not touched on - "Neighbourhood collectives" - "Vector" versions of Scatter/Gather where everyone sends a different amount of data: [image reconstruction exercise](/exercises/mpi-stencil/)
## Summary - MPI offers a rich array of _collectives_ - "Symmetric": every process in the provided communicator participates - Can [manipulate communicators](/notes/mpi/advanced/#communicators) to split/combine Exercises: - [Simple collectives](/exercises/mpi-collectives/) - [Domain decomposition](/exercises/mpi-stencil/)
## Bonus: exercise solutions, coursework - Repository contains code solutions for many of the exercises - Added links to solutions for Holger's OpenMP exercises - Will add some sketch textual solutions to (most of) the exercises in the notes - I still encourage you to try things for yourself (even with solutions in hand)
### Coursework - Has been available [for a while](/coursework/) - Submission deadline 10th January - Two implementation parts 1. OpenMP (parallel Gauss-Seidel) 2. MPI (tree reduction) - MPI part then asks you to do benchmarking - **DO NOT** use the frontend node, submit batch jobs - Leave yourself enough time to get the runs through
### Writing up - As well as code, I ask you to write up your experiments - [Generic descriptors](https://durhamuniversity.sharepoint.com/teams/MScScientificComputingandDataAnalysis/SitePages/Written-Work-Descriptors-%28Non-Dissertation%29.aspx) for reports apply - I will upload (on blackboard) some anonymised reports from last year, along with my marks/feedback