Overview of parallel patterns #
So far, we’ve seen that to run large simulations, and exploit all of the hardware available to us on supercomputers (but even on laptops and phones), we will need to use parallelism of some kind.
We’ve also looked at the levels of parallelism exposed by modern hardware, and noted that there are effectively three levels.
Now we’re going to look at the types of parallelism (or parallel patterns) that we might encounter in software. By recognising these patterns, we’ll be able to figure out what an appropriate parallelisation strategy is.
In general, we can think of parallelism as finding independent operations in the execution of a program. If two (or more) operations are independent, then we can conceivably restructure our program such that they execute at the same time (in parallel).
Data parallelism #
Often, and we’ve already seen an example of this when looking at vector addition, we have a program that performs the same operation independently on many different data items.
This is very common in scientific computing. We often need to perform the same (regular) operation on a large dataset and can parallelise this by dividing the dataset up across many processors. Each processor can then work on its own part of the problem.
Recall our simple example of addition of two vectors
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = b[i] + c[i];
here we have three large arrays and each iteration of the loop is independent. This is therefore a classic example of data parallelism. In fact, data parallelism is often called array parallelism by some people.
Since all the iterations of the loop are independent, we could split them up between processes in any way we like, but those may have different performance characteristics. The usual choice is to evenly divide the arrays into chunks and hand those chunks out to processes.
Three-process data parallelism for vector addition.
In the figure, we divided 16 array entries between three processes. Assume that parallelisation is perfect (with no overheads) and that computing a single addition takes 1 time unit.
How long would this addition take on one process?
How long would you predict it to take on three processes?
Given the data decomposition sketched above, how long will the loop take?
If all the code we ever wrote was pointwise array operations like this, a parallel programming course would be quite short, because now we’re done. Unfortunately (fortunately?) there is more to it than this, because most interesting programs access data with some interdependent footprint.
These are often still data parallel, but we typically need to think a bit harder about how to expose and realise the parallelism.
For a simple example, consider the following loops
while (...) {
for (size_t i = 1; i < n-1; i++)
a[i] = a[i+1] + a[i-1] - 2*a[i];
Access patterns like this occur in finite difference approximations of PDEs (of which more in COMP52215 if you take it) or image processing.
This is an example Gauß-Seidel relaxation for the 1D Laplacian.
At first glance, this looks like the previous simple data parallel loop. But we have to be careful because we write into the same array we read from. Naively just chunking up the loop will result in us obtaining the wrong answer.
Data dependencies for the 1D Laplacian stencil
As we see from the figure above, updating an array entry needs values from its two neighbours as well. If we were to chunk the loop iterations up between processes as before, then on the boundaries between processes we might end up reading the wrong value.
Can you think of any ways you could parallelise this loop?
Hint: think about colouring neighbouring entries in the array in different colours. Do you see a pattern?
Does your parallel strategy produce the same answer as the serial loop?
This example demonstrates the idea that there is a difference between parallelism in the algorithm and parallelism in the code.
In fact, when attempting to implement parallel code it is often a good idea to step back to pen-and-paper and consider the algorithm, looking for parallelism there, rather than starting from a serial code and looking for parallelisation opportunities.
Summary #
As mentioned, data parallelism is well suited to many parts of scientific computing. It is easiest to implement when we can statically decompose the data. That is, we can write a (possibly data-dependent) algorithmic decomposition and assign work to processes “up front”.
When writing programs that are data parallel, it is a good idea to think about using high-level constructs that make the data parallelism explicit. For example, rather than writing stencil operations as above, we might wrap them up in a library interface that explicitly describes the data access.
The rationale for this is (at least) threefold:
- It makes the parallelism explicit to a reader of the program;
- We can usually design the library in such a way that the programmer can pretend they are writing serial code (which is easier to think about);
- By capturing the data access patterns in code, we have a chance of reasoning about them algorithmically. This moves the task of parallelisation from the individual programmer to a library, and gives us an opportunity to apply more complicated optimisations.
Task parallelism #
Some algorithms do not lend themselves to the data parallel approach, because the amount of available parallelism waxes and wanes through the program. Many graph algorithms fall into this category.
For example, one can write a program to solve mazes by converting the maze into a graph where each decision point in the maze becomes a vertex and decision points with paths between them become edges. We can now visit the maze, trying to find the centre, by breadth-first search of the graph. Mark Handley has a nice video, although he is doing depth-first search.
Imagine that you are visiting the maze but with a huge group of friends. You start off all entering the maze at the same point. Every time you come to a decision point, you split your group set off down the different paths. If you encounter other members of your party later, you merge groups. If you keep track of which points you’ve visited (some you don’t turn back on yourselves), some of you will eventually reach the centre of the maze.
We can think of each of the groups walking through the maze as tasks. When we come to a decision point, we create new tasks, and when a group (task) reaches a point that has already been visited we remove the task.
It is clear that the number of separate groups moving at any one time in the maze changes, so if we’re thinking of parallelism, we don’t have a static decomposition of data or work. It is instead dynamic.
This kind of parallelism where the workload changes dynamically can be addressed with task parallelism. It is often more complicated to handle than data parallelism. For example, we often need to change our data structures, or design new ones: high-performance parallel data structures for task parallelism are a subject of ongoing research.
Pseudo-code for breadth-first visit of a graph is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
def bfs(G, root): """ Visit all vertices in a graph G breadth-first reachable from root """ seen = set() queue = Queue() # First-in first-out queue queue.add(root) seen.add(root) while not queue.empty(): v = queue.pop() for w in G.edges(v): # edges in G from v to w if w not in seen: seen.add(w) queue.add(w)
Where do you think tasks are created?
Where are they removed?
Where (or why) might we have to be careful if using parallelism for this algorithm?
It turns out that the critical thing here for high-performance implementations is the design of appropriate parallel data structures that can handle irregular access. Along with sometimes rethinking the way we implement the algorithms (by doing the moral equivalent of loop reordering). If you are interested in finding out more on this kind of irregular parallelism, and for many more details than you need for this course, I recommend starting with the homepage of the Galois system.