
Collective communication #

Point-to-point messages are sufficient to write all the parallel algorithms we might want. However, they might not necessarily be the most efficient.

As motivation, let’s think about the time we would expect the ring reduction you implemented to take as a function of the number of processes.

Recall from the ping-pong exercise that our model for the length of time it takes to send a message with $B$ bytes is

$$ T(B) = \alpha + \beta B $$

To rotate each item all the way around a ring of $P$ processes requires us to pass it from to each process in turn. To get all the way around, the item must be sent $P-1$ times. The longest “chain” of messages that must be sent has $P-1$ hops in it. Hence, supposing we reduce $B$ bytes, the total time to perform a reduction using this message passing scheme is: $$ T_\text{ring}(B) = (P-1)(\alpha + \beta B). $$ So as we add more processes, the time scales linearly.

An alternative is to combine the partial reductions pairwise in a tree, as shown in the figure below

Tree reduction across 16 processes. At each level processes combine pairwise.

Tree reduction across 16 processes. At each level processes combine pairwise.

This approach can be generalised to problems where the number of processes is not a power of two.

To get the result back to all processes, we can just send the combined final value back up the tree in the same manner. For $P$ processes, the tree has depth $\log_2 P$ (we divide the number of processes by two each time). The longest chain of messages from the leaves of the tree to the root is now only $\log_2 P$, so to reduce to the root and then send back to the leaves has a longest chain of $2 \log_2 P$ messages. The total time to perform a reduction using this tree-based message passing scheme is therefore: $$ T_{\text{tree}}(B) = 2\log_2 P (\alpha + \beta B) $$ As long as $2\log_2 P < (P-1)$ this takes less overall time. We can solve this numerically to find it should be preferable as long as $P > 6$.

import numpy
import scipy.optimize

# Do Newton to find P such that 2log_2 P - (P-1) = 0
# We know that P = 1 is a solution, so we deflate that away
def f(p):
    return 1/abs(p-1) * (2*numpy.log2(p) - (p - 1))

root = scipy.optimize.newton(f, 2)

=> 6.319722355838366
Modelled time to compute a reduction using a 1D ring and a tree, as soon as $P &gt; 6$, the tree is faster

Modelled time to compute a reduction using a 1D ring and a tree, as soon as $P > 6$, the tree is faster

We conclude that some kind of tree-based reduction is superior in almost all circumstances.

This reduction is an example of a collective operation. Rather than sending messages pairwise, all processes in a communicator work together (or collectively) to compute some result.

What about implementation? #

Writing code for a tree-reduction in MPI by hand is actually not too hard. However, writing it generically to handle all datatypes is slightly fiddly, and moreover, depending on the topology of the underlying network, other approaches might be more efficient. For example, hypercubes often offer a superior communication pattern.

Our conclusion then, is that we probably don’t want to implement this stuff ourselves.

Fortunately, MPI offers a broad range of builtin collective operations that cover most of the communication patterns we might want to use in a parallel program. It now falls to the implementor of the MPI library (i.e. not us) to come up with an efficient implementation.

This is perhaps a general pattern that we observe when writing MPI programs. It is best to see if our communication pattern fits with something the MPI library implements before rolling our own.

Types of collectives #

One thing to note with all of these collectives is that none of them require a tag. MPI therefore just matches collectives in the order that they are called. So we need to be careful that we call collectives in the same order on all processes.

All of the collective operations we introduce in this section are blocking: they only return once all processes in the communicator have called them, at which point the input and output buffers are safe to reuse.

MPI-3 (standardised in around 2014) introduce non-blocking versions of all the collectives (with names starting with MPI_I like the non-blocking point-to-point functions). These have the same semantics, but we get an MPI_Request object that we must wait on before we can look at the results.

The rationale for the introduction of non-blocking collectives was similar to that for non-blocking point-to-point: they allow some overlap of communication latency with computation, potentially enabling more scalable code.

Barrier: MPI_Barrier #

We already saw a barrier in OpenMP, MPI similarly has one, named MPI_Barrier.

int MPI_Barrier(MPI_Comm comm);

In a barrier, no process may exit the barrier until all have entered. So we can use this to provide a synchronisation point in a program. Note that there are no guarantees that all processes leave at the same time.

There are actually very few reasons that a correct MPI code needs a barrier.

The usual reason to add them is if we want to measure the parallel performance of some part of the code, and don’t want bad load balance from another part to pollute our measurements.

Reductions #

These are useful, there are few related ones.

MPI_Reduce combines messages with a provided operation and accumulates the final result on a specified root rank.

int MPI_Reduce(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype,
               MPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm);

Every process provides a value in sendbuf, the root process (often rank 0, but not necessarily) provides an output buffer in recvbuf. The count and datatype arguments are the same as for point-to-point messaging, they describe how the send and receive buffers are to be interpreted by MPI. The op argument tells MPI how to combine values from different processes.

MPI_Reduce combines values with a specified operation and places the result on the root process.

MPI_Reduce combines values with a specified operation and places the result on the root process.

Closely related is MPI_Allreduce which does the same thing as MPI_Reduce but puts the final result on all processes (so there is no need for a root argument.

int MPI_Allreduce(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype,
                  MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm);
MPI_Allreduce combines values with a specified operation and places the result on all processes.

MPI_Allreduce combines values with a specified operation and places the result on all processes.

MPI_Allreduce is generally more useful than MPI_Reduce, since often we need to make a collective decision based on the result of the reduction (for example when checking for convergence of a numerical algorithm). Although it is possible to implement an allreduce using an MPI_Reduce followed by an MPI_Bcast, more efficient algorithms exist.

There are also “prefix reduction” versions, MPI_Scan and MPI_Exscan (for inclusive and exclusive “scans” of the input respectively).

int MPI_Scan(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype,
             MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm);
int MPI_Exscan(const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype,
               MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm);
MPI_Scan computes an inclusive prefix reduction.

MPI_Scan computes an inclusive prefix reduction.

MPI_Exscan computes an exclusive prefix reduction, on rank 0 the value in the output buffer is undefined.

MPI_Exscan computes an exclusive prefix reduction, on rank 0 the value in the output buffer is undefined.

The final missing piece is what this magic op argument is. For combining simple types, we usually can use one of a number of builtin options given to us by MPI.

Description Operator Identity element
Addition MPI_SUM 0
Multiplication MPI_PROD 1
Minimum MPI_MIN Most positive number of given type
Maximum MPI_MAX Most negative number of given type
Logical and MPI_LAND True
Logical or MPI_LOR False
Logical xor MPI_LXOR False
Bitwise and MPI_BAND All bits 1
Bitwise or MPI_BOR All bits 0
Bitwise xor MPI_BXOR All bits 0

If we pass a count of more than 1, then the operation is applied to each entry in turn. So

int send[2] = ...;
int recv[2] = ...;
MPI_Allreduce(send, recv, 2, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, comm);

Produces the sum over all processes of send[0] in recv[0] and that of send[1] in recv[1].

When computing a minimum or maximum value, we might also want to know on which process the value was found. This can be done using the combining operations MPI_MINLOC and MPI_MAXLOC. These also show an example of using more complicated datatypes.

Suppose we have a pair of values

struct ValAndLoc {
  double x;
  int loc;

We put the value we care about in the first slot, and the rank of the current process (say) in the second. Now combining with MPI_MAXLOC produces the MAX over the first slot, and just copies the second slot over.

struct ValAndLoc local;
local.x = ...;
local.loc = rank;

struct ValueAndLoc global;
MPI_Allreduce(&local, &global, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_INT, MPI_MAXLOC, comm);

One to all: scatters and broadcasts #

When starting up a simulation, we might want to read some configuration file to provide parameters. This typically should only be done by a single process1, however, all processes will need to know the values so that they can configure the simulation appropriately.

To do this we can broadcast data from a single rank using MPI_Bcast.

int MPI_Bcast(void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm);
MPI_Bcast sends data from a root rank to all ranks in the communicator.

MPI_Bcast sends data from a root rank to all ranks in the communicator.

Note that the value in the buffer for input purposes only matters on the root process, but all processes must provide enough space. For example, to send 10 integers from rank 0

int *buffer = malloc(10*sizeof(*buffer));
if (rank == 0) {
   /* Initialise values from somewhere (e.g. read from file) */
MPI_Bcast(buffer, 10, MPI_INT, 0, comm);

A more general broadcast mechanism, where each rank receives different data, is provided by MPI_Scatter, which takes some data on a single rank, and splits it out to all processes.

int MPI_Scatter(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype,
                void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype,
                int root, MPI_Comm comm);
MPI_Scatter splits and sends data on the root rank to all ranks in the communicator.

MPI_Scatter splits and sends data on the root rank to all ranks in the communicator.

Note that the sendcount argument is the number of values to send to each process (not the total number of values in the send buffer). On ranks other than the root rank, the send parameters are ignored (so sendbuf can be NULL).

For example, consider again a situation where rank zero reads a configuration file and then determines some allocation of work (perhaps loop iteration counts) for each process. We need to communicate a pair of “start” and “end” values to each process.

int rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
int *recvbuf = malloc(2*sizeof(*recvbuf));

if (rank == 0) {
  int size;
  MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
  int *sendbuf = malloc(2*size*sizeof(*sendbuf));
  /* Populate sendbuf somehow */
  MPI_Scatter(sendbuf, 2, MPI_INT, recvbuf, 2, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
} else {
  MPI_Scatter(NULL, 0, MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, recvbuf, 2, MPI_INT, 0, comm);

This sends entries 0 and 1 in sendbuf to rank 0; entries 2 and 3 to rank 1; entries 4 and 5 to rank 2; and so on.

There is also a more general MPI_Scatterv, in which we can specify how many values we send to each process.

All to one: gathers #

The dual to MPI_Scatter, in which we gather all values to a single process is (perhaps unsurprisingly) called MPI_Gather

int MPI_Gather(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype,
               void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype,
               int root, MPI_Comm comm);
MPI_Gather gathers data from all ranks to a root rank.

MPI_Gather gathers data from all ranks to a root rank.

We might use this, for example, to collect output data before writing it to a file2.

Just like MPI_Scatter, there is a more general MPI_Gatherv in which we specify how many values to gather from each process.

All to all: everyone talks to everyone #

Generally, we would like to avoid parallelisation that requires that we have data whose size scales with the total number of processes on every rank, or where every process must communicate with every other, sometimes this is unavoidable.

For example, multi-dimensional fast Fourier transforms are among the fastest approaches for computing the inverse of the Laplacian in periodic domains. They form, amongst other things, a core computational component of numerical simulation of turbulent flow (see for example the codes at

To compute Fourier transforms in parallel, we need to do one-dimensional transforms along each cartesian direction, interspersed by a global transpose of the data. Depending on the data distribution, this is a generalised “all to all” communication pattern. See mpi4py-fft for a high-performance Python library that does this.

MPI provides a number of routines that help with these including

int MPI_Allgather(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype,
                  void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm);
int MPI_Alltoall(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype,
                 void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm);

Note how neither of these calls has a root argument: there is no “special” process in these collectives.

The pictorial version of the routines is shown below

MPI_Allgather acts like MPI_Gather but no process is special.

MPI_Allgather acts like MPI_Gather but no process is special.

Note how the MPI_Alltoall call ends up transposing the data.

MPI_Alltoall sends data from all process to all processes, transposing along the way.

MPI_Alltoall sends data from all process to all processes, transposing along the way.

Summary #

MPI has a rich array of collective operations which can be used to implement common communication patterns much more efficiently than we are likely to write by hand using only point-to-point messaging.

Unlike point-to-point messaging, there are no tags in collective operations, so collectives are matched “in-order” on the communicator they are used with. We briefly look at how to distinguish collective operations, and how to restrict the operation to a subset of all the processes in MPI_COMM_WORLD when considering communicator manipulation

  1. All processes simultaneously accessing the same file can be very slow on some systems. ↩︎

  2. In real-world applications you should use a more scalable, parallel, approach. For example, directly using MPI-IO (see Bill Gropp’s slides for a nice intro and motivation), or a higher-level alternative like HDF5. These additional libraries are beyond the scope of this course. ↩︎